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2011 The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art, MA Contemporary Art 졸업
2007 중앙대학교 대학원 사진학과 졸업
1999 중앙대학교 예술대학 사진학과 졸업
2021 Found, 류경갤러리, 평창
2020 Found 2020, House Gallery2303, 서울
2020 Speaking of Now, 인덱스갤러리, 서울
2019 정지된 풍경, 291 갤러리, 서울
2019 감각의 경계, SPACE22, 서울
2016 우아한 도시, 갤러리 룩스, 서울
2016 Found, 메이크샵아트스페이스, 파주
2015 Speaking of Now, 갤러리 누다, 대전
2014 제5회 일우사진상 수상 기념전, 우연의 뿌리, 일우 스페이스, 서울
2013 Story within a Story, 토요타 포토 스페이스, 부산
2008 Reverie, Somewhere, 갤러리 룩스, 서울
1998 Floating, 카페 드 플로라, 서울
2020 미래산책, 소제동 아트벨트, 대전
2020 Ordinary Summer Days, 롯데백화점, 서울
2019 Unfamiliar Scene, 갤러리 서이, 서울
2018 META PICS, 유아트스페이스, 서울
2018 예술가(없는)초상, 서울시립남서울미술관, 서울
2018 일우사진상 수상작가전 2009-2016, 일우스페이스, 서울
2017 서울사진축제: 창동, 사진을 품다, 플랫폼 창동 61, 서울
2017 역사풍경: 서소문동37번지, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2017 Mixed Lights, 신세계갤러리, 서울
2015 동강국제사진제, 국제공모전, 동강사진박물관 야외전시장, 영월
2015 Resight/Remind, 갤러리 룩스, 서울
2014 Together But Apart, 갤러리 진선, 서울
2014 Small Collections, 갤러리 진선, 서울
2013 주안미디어페스티벌, Network yourself into the Media, 인천축구전용경기장, 인천
2013 ‘뜨끔한’ 전, 가인갤러리, 서울
2012 대구사진비엔날레, 도시의 비밀, 대구예술발전소, 대구
2011 Communal Garden, Carnival of Monsters, Nottingham, 영국
2011 In between Something and Nothing - Reflections of Space, Edinburgh College of Art, 영국
2009 이진명 * 정경자 2인전, 갤러리 두인, 서울
2008 영월 愛, 동강사진박물관, 영월
2008 동강사진축제, 거리설치사진전-영월 愛, 영월
2007 Round Trip; Into the garden of my mind 한국, 스웨덴 현대미술교류전, 가나포럼스페이스, 서울
2007 Academy Lights, The Central Academy of Fine Arts, 북경, 중국
2007 Emerging Korean Photographers, Gallery Verkligheten, 우메오, 스웨덴
2006 북경 중앙민족대 문화교류전, 중앙민족대, 북경, 중국
2005 광복 60주년기념사진전, 세종문화회관 광화문 갤러리, 서울
1998 vision98, 디자인 포장센터, 서울
1997 꿈꾸는 2000-3…, 삼성갤러리, 서울
2014 우연의 뿌리, 작품집, 일우재단
2012 In between Something and Nothing 외, 작품집, Hezuk Press
2004 수필집 ‘조용한 열정’, 사진, 마음산책
수상 및 기타
2016 서울문화재단 예술창작지원사업 개인전지원
2013 제5회 일우사진상, 올해의 주목할만한 작가
2012 아르코 신진작가 워크숍, 아르코 미술관
2008 갤러리 룩스 신진작가
국립현대미술관 미술은행, 과천
일우재단, 서울
고은사진미술관, 부산
2011 MA Contemporary Art, Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh, UK
2007 MFA in Photography, Graduate school of Chung-Ang University, Korea
1999 BFA in Photography, Chung-Ang University, Korea
Solo Exhibition
2021 Found, RyuKyung Gallery, PyeongChang, Korea
2020 Found 2020, House Gallery2303, Seoul, Korea
2020 Speaking of Now, Index Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2019 Suspended Landscape, 291 Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2019 Boundary, SPACE 22, Seoul, Korea
2016 Elegant Town, Gallery Lux, Seoul, Korea
2016 Found, Makeshop Art Space, Paju, Korea
2015 Speaking of Now, gallery NUDA, Daejeon, Korea
2014 ILWOO Photography Prize 2013, The Roots of Coincidence, ILWOO Space, Seoul, Korea
2013 Story within a story, Toyota Photo Space, Busan, Korea
2008 Reverie, Somewhere, Gallery Lux, Seoul, Korea
1998 Floating, Café de Flora, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibition
2020 Into the Future, Artbelt Soje, Daejeon, Korea
2020 Ordinary Summer Days, Lotte Department store, Seoul, Korea
2019 Unfamiliar Scene, Gallery Seoi, Seoul, Korea
2018 META PICS, UARTSPACE, Seoul, Korea
2018 The Portrait without artists, Nam Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2018 Ilwoo Photography Awards Show 2009-2016, ilwoo space, Seoul, Korea
2017 Seoul photo festival, Platform Chang Dong 61, Seoul, Korea
2017 Historicape: 37 Seosomun dong, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2017 Mixed Lights, Shinsegae gallery, Seoul, Korea
2015 Donggang International Photo Festival, International Open Call, Dong-Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol, Korea
2015 Resight/Remind, Gallery Lux, Seoul, Korea
2014 Together But Apart, Gallery Jinsun, Seoul, Korea
2014 Small Collections, Gallery Jinsun, Seoul, Korea
2013 Juan media festival, Network yourself into the Media, Incheon, Korea
2013 Stimulating your mind, Gaain Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2012 Daegu Photo Biennale, How a city works, Daegu Art Factory, Daegu, Korea
2011 Communal Garden, Carnival of Monsters, Nottingham, UK
2011 In between Something and Nothing - Reflections of Space, Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland
2009 Lee jinmyung & Jeong kyungja Exhibition, Gallery Dooin, Seoul, Korea
2008 Love of Yeongwol, Dong-Gang Museum of Photography, Yeongwol, Korea
2008 Dong-Gang Photo Festival, Photo Exhibition Installation, Yeongwol, Korea
2007 Korea-Sweden Contemporary Art Interchange; Round Trip, Gana forum space, Seoul, Korea
2007 Academy Lights, The Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
2007 Emerging Korean Photographers, Verkligheten Gallery, Umeaa, Sweden
2006 Cultural &Art interchange, Central University for Nationalities, Beijing, China
2005 The Past & Present of Korean Photography, Sejong Center Museum, Seoul, Korea
1998 Vision 1998, Design Art Center, Seoul, Korea
1997 Dreaming 2000-3…, Samsung Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 The Roots of Coincidence, ILWOO Foundation, Seoul, Korea
2012 In between Something and Nothing ETC, Hezuk Press, Korea
2004 Essay ‘a silence passion’, photography, Maumsancheck, Korea
Award & ETC
2016 Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Arts Support Program, Korea
2013 The 5th ILWOO Photography Award, Seoul, Korea
2012 Arko Emerging Artist Workshop, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2008 Gallery Lux, Emerging Artist, Seoul, Korea
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Art Bank, Gwacheon
ILWOO Foundation, Seoul
Goeun Museum of Photography, Busan